What makes a travel agent successful

image: Representing  a basic idea

Journey of a travel agency Startup

1) Choose the intresting Name and unique Logo for the startup business number, this StartUp can be Digitally handled as well.
2) Decide you want one person operation or LLP(Limited Liability Partnership).
 3) GST registration for the travel business is must.
4) Get certified authority from the Ministry of Tourism it will give your travel agency Quality Standard and Service.
5) Ensure that your travel agency is AITA(International Air Transport Association) approved. 
6) Check for at least 100 to 150 square feet room 
7) Minimum fund required to start is Rs 3 Lakh to start.
8) You must have got a clear mapping by visiting my previous blogs about the Attractive Website and how to plan the business travel schedules with seasonal offers.
9) You should have one CA to take care of tax returns
10) Experienced MBA degree holder on tourism from a approved AICTE college 
11) Experienced person from AITA with four year experience.
Also expert to handle SEO & social media marketing to analyse the behaviour and taste of customer.

Also this can be proved to be indicator of profit measurement this Mantra will proved to be the best in class experience for you and to become the most trusted brand across the globe and locally also identify the per customers and their behaviours and the demographic very well before chosing the site for startup have a very good advertising of your business so that your social media audience can be converted into your customers

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